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Hangovers Hit Differently After 25

For those of us over 25 years old, hangovers just hit differently. Being hungover is an unpleasant experience that can make even the simplest tasks feel like colossal challenges. From pounding headaches, to unsettled stomachs, the aftermath of an evening overindulging in alcohol can be debilitating. Here’s a few ways to combat your hangovers.

Your body needs to recuperate. It's lacking proper downtime. Sometimes a good ol’ fashioned nap will do the trick or at the very least aid in your recovery. So if you can, take an hour or two to catch a few Z’s. Might do ya some good.

Carbs are your best friend during these times of need. Eating carbs during a hangover can provide much-needed relief by replenishing depleted energy reserves and stabilizing blood sugar levels. So indulge a little and don’t beat yourself up over it!

Electrolyte-rich beverages such as coconut water can help in restoring your electrolyte balance which is going to make that headache feel ten times better in the next hour or so. So stock up on a sports drink or two before heading out for the evening, you will thank yourself the next day.

When you're hungover, your body may feel fatigued due to alcohol's dehydrating effects. Stepping out for fresh air or a leisurely walk can help clear your mind and awaken your senses, which may help alleviate feelings of sluggishness. So get your ass out of bed, you slacker!

While there is no one-size-fits-all solution, a universal approach that tends to be the most effective includes proper rest, nutrition, and hydration. As we age past 25, the morning after often advances, becoming more intense and lingering. Prioritizing self-care and moderation to lessen the aftermath of excessive alcohol goes a long way into benefiting our overall well-being while still enjoying our time out. Cheers!

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